The best jobs for university graduates
If you’re graduating from college, you’re well on your way to building a well-paying career. But it won’t be easy. Don’t get discouraged, though: a top education could put you on the path to a well-paying job. Below is a snapshot of the best jobs for graduates and the projected growth in these roles through 2024.
The median salary for all jobs listed below is $74,450. In order to search through the jobs by using filters like education level, experience level, industry, company size and more, click the filter button in the upper right corner of the description.
Click on an icon in the top right corner of each job title to see a more detailed description and photos of the position. This is a list of jobs in alphabetical order.
Why are these the best jobs?
All of these jobs put you in front of millions of people, just like you were when you were in university, and have provided you with the skills you need to succeed in the new work world. That’s right, these are the BEST jobs for university graduates.
But why are these the BEST jobs?
You see, the jobs on this list are really about a lot more than a fancy job title, money, or a fancy office. These are positions that provide you with the kind of experience that will turn you into a leader and a professional.
And, I’m not just talking about writing thank you cards and giving out bonuses at the end of the year. These are professionals that not only help you succeed in your career, but they help you become the best person you can be.
What are some of the qualities that make these jobs great?
1. Stanford University
Stanford requires computer science majors to develop software that can be customized by other Stanford users. Programs may be stored on university computers or servers, which offer the opportunity for lifelong access to the code and its history. Students may develop the computer code in groups or on their own. A post-baccalaureate internship is required before admission to the MBA program.
2. Pomona College
With a focus on environmental sustainability, Pomona offers degrees in Sustainable Management, Environmental Sustainability, Business and Sustainability and Environmental Studies, among others.
What are some of the drawbacks to these types of jobs?
Getting a Ph.D. (or a terminal degree, depending on the discipline) does not necessarily guarantee a high-paying job. Typically, entry-level, non-tenure-track faculty positions are much lower paid than tenured positions.
It can be tough for someone with a terminal degree, especially if they studied a specialty that does not have a high demand in the market. In some instances, terminal degree holders may have to take a lower paying job to get their foot in the door.
For example, while I am getting my master’s degree in environmental science, I am working part-time at an auto parts store, earning $10 per hour. This allows me to make more than minimum wage and without going through any red tape or training.
What are the best jobs for university graduates?
Surprisingly, many of the best jobs for university graduates are those typically associated with an undergraduate degree. In fact, some of the best jobs are specifically for degree-holders, specifically bachelor’s degree holders. Additionally, we’ve included the best jobs for University of Texas University of Texas at Austin, the University of Michigan, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Columbia University.
All these schools have outstanding graduate programs and also offer outstanding undergraduate degrees.
If you’re an undergraduate in the fall semester of 2006, you’ve graduated high school, and now it’s time to graduate from college. After applying to colleges, and receiving offers, you’re faced with one of the most important decisions of your life: what to major in.
Live Job Statistics, with 1,170 jobs available. State University of New Jersey is hiring for the summer of 2012. … BYU Idaho – Idaho Falls, ID
Conference and training opportunities for students.Mountain West IT Executives (MW-ITE) is accepting applications for 2013 student leaders and employees. … Hofstra University, New York, NY
Very interesting and probably highly responsive team to help you explore, create and offer solutions to problems. … Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA
Want to know how to become a world class manager? The Harvard Graduate School of Education has several interesting graduate programs to help you learn how to work effectively with others. … University of California, Berkeley, CA Many exciting areas of study with a teaching focus.